GSadjust User Guide

Network adjustment options dialog

This dialog provides options for performing the network adjustment. Options 1-4 are used to calculate the value shown in the "SD for adj." column of the Delta Table, which is the standard deviation used in the network adjustment.
Network adjustment options dialog

Standard deviation multiplier, pre-minimum

When checked, multiplies the delta-g standard deviation (determined from the data and/or drift-correction method) by the specified value prior to enforcing the minimum standard deviation (if checked). May be used in conjunction with "Add to std. dev." (multiplier is applied first).
If the minimum standard deviation box is not checked, this value is modified when scaling the standard deviation after an adjustment.

Standard deviation multiplier: post-minimum

When checked, multiplies the delta-g standard deviation (determined from the data and/or drift-correction method) by the specified value after enforcing the minimum standard deviation (if checked). May be used in conjunction with "Add to std. dev." (multiplier is applied first).
If the minimum standard deviation box is checked, this value is modified when scaling the standard deviation after an adjustment.

Add to standard deviation: pre-minimum

When checked, adds the specified value to the delta-g standard deviation (determined from the data and/or drift-correction method) prior to enforcing the minimum standard deviation. May be used in conjunction with "Add to std. dev." (multiplier is applied first).

Minimum standard deviation

When checked, the delta-g standard deviation used in the adjustment is the greater of the specified value, or the standard deviation determined from the data and/or drift-correction method.

Calculate relative meter calibration coefficient

When checked, a relative-meter calibration coefficient (scale factor) is calculated during the network adjustment. The calibration coefficient is a multiplier applied to all relative-gravity observations. It is calculated from the datum observations in a network, and 2 or more datum observations are required. If more than one relative-gravity meter is used on a survey, the calibration coefficient must be calculated or specified for all meters (if not specified, it is set to 1.0).

Specify calibration coefficient

When checked, the specified relative-meter calibration coefficient is applied during the network adjustment. The calibration coefficient is a multiplier applied to all relative-gravity observations. A coefficient for each meter must be provided in the calibration coefficient table.

Calibration coefficient table

If the Specify calibration coefficient checkbox is checked, each delta-g is multiplied by the gravity-meter specific coefficient in the calibration coefficient table.

Significance level for global model test

Significance level for the chi-square test used to evaluate adjustment residuals.

Restore defaults button

Restores default values in dialog box. One of the "Apply..." buttons must be selected to apply values.

Apply to current survey button

Applies the network-adjustment options to the survey curently selected in the data tree view at the left side of the window (The current survey is highlighted in bold).

Apply to all surveys button

Applies the network-adjustment options to all surveys in the campaign.