Loops in GSadjust (the group of stations for which a single drift correction is applied) are created after a file is loaded. Alternatively, in a campaign (workspace) with existing data loops can be appended from individual data files using the "Append loop to current survey..." command on the File menu.
Loops can be created based on a time-based threshold or by selecting the stations to move to a new loop. To use a time-based threshold, use the "Divide selected loop..." command on the Edit menu. A dialog appears where one can specify the time threshold:
If there is a gap between stations longer than the elapsed time specified, the data before the gap will retain the original loop name and data after the gap will be put in a new loop. If there are multiple gaps longer than the threshold (for example, if data were collected over several days with gaps each night) multiple loops will be created.
To create a new loop within the current Survey from selected stations, select the first station, hold down shift, then select the last station. Then, right click to show the Data Tree View Popup menu, and select Move stations to new loop. A new loop is created.