After performing the network adjustment, results can be obtained by copy-paste or exporting to a tabular text file. In addition, if the "Write output files" option is checked in the Network adjustment options window, station gravity values (and other information) are written to disk.
To copy adjusted gravity values to the clipboard, click the upper-left corner of the Results table. This will highlight the table. Next, right-click on the table and select "Copy to clipboard". The table can now be pasted into a text editor or spreadsheet program (the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-C cannot be used to copy in this context).
To export results to a tabular (.csv) text file, select the command "Write tabular data" on the Tools menu. This will write a file named GSadjust_TabularDataYYYYMMDD-HHMM.csv, with the date and time the file was written. The file will have the columns station name, latitude, longitude, and elevation, and for each survey, g and the standard deviation of g from the network
In addition, a table of gravity change between surveys can be exported from the Compute gravity change window.